What metrics are in the Admin Panel dashboard?

An overview of the new data available to USEFULL clients

The Admin Panel, located at admin.usefull.us, features a dashboard on its homescreen with useful metrics on operational and environmental data, as well as campus settings. See below for explanations of each metric or configuration.

Important: all metrics for the Admin Panel are calculated for the selected date range. The default date range is the last week.

Operational KPIs:

  • Current Checkouts: The number of active checkouts at the current moment 
  • Average Daily Checkouts: The average number of checkouts per day over the selected date range
  • Average Usage Period: The average length, in hours, of checkouts over the selected date range
  • Average Turnaround Time: The average time, in hours, between a container being returned and being checked out again. This can be useful to measure the efficiency of your dishwashing program in returning containers to circulation.

Campus Settings

  • Container Limit: the maximum number of containers students are allowed to have checked out at once
  • Usage Period: the number of days during which students can checkout containers for free
  • Active Locations: the number  of checkout locations on your campus
  • Return Locations: the number of return locations on your campus

Environmental Impact

  • Total Checkouts: the total number of checkouts during the selected date range
  • Pounds of Trash Saved: the estimated weight of trash, in pounds, averted by the USEFULL program over the selected date range
  • Gallons of Water Avoided: the estimated volume of water, in gallons, saved by the USEFULL program over the selected date range
  • Pounds of emissions avoided: the estimated weight of emissions, in pounded, avoided by the USEFULL program over the selected date range